30 Euston Square
The London Venue Awards 2019 - Silver - Best Event Venue less than 500 attendees The London Venue Awards 2018 - Winner - Best Catering at a venue The London Venue Awards 2018- Bronze - Most versatile London Venue less than 1000 attendees M&IT Industry Awards 2018 - Bronze Award Winner - Best Value for Money Conference Venue The London Venue Awards 2017 - Winner - Best Venue Customer Service - Under 500 delegates The London Venue Awards 2015 - Winner - Best Board Room Meeting or AGM Venue The London Venue Awards 2015 - Winner - Best Conference Venue up to 300 delegates M&IT Industry Awards 2014 - Bronze Award Winner
- 客房服務
- 檢視 (城市)
- 網際網路
- 行李寄存
- 電話 (本地)
- 場地內安全
- 場地內的餐廳
- 場地內餐飲
- 空間 (室外)
- 空間 (私人)
- 輪椅無障礙
- AV 功能
- 視訊會議
- 貴賓服務
- 健身俱樂部
- 公交車
- 地鐵
- 火車
- 計程車
- 舞池
- 舞臺區域
- 裝卸碼頭
9 米距離場地
- 收費停車場
- 代客泊車
- 公交車停車場
30 Euston Square會議空間
If for any reason you cancel the Event after signing the Event Contract by giving us notice in writing, we shall be entitled to retain a percentage of the Expected Price depending on when we receive your notice of cancellation as detailed below: 91 days or more prior to Event - 25% of Expected Price set out in Event Contract (or as varied by subsequent agreement in writing); 61-90 days prior to Event - 50% of Expected Price set out in the Event Contract (or as varied by subsequent agreement in writing); 31-60 days prior to Event - 75% of Expected Price set out in the Event Contract (or as varied by subsequent agreement in writing); and 0-30 days prior to Event - 100% of Expected Price set out in the Event Contract (or as varied by subsequent agreement in writing).
The venue is comprised of; 18 Ground Floor Meeting Rooms (4-88 people) 6 Heritage Rooms (8-40 people) Auditorium for 300, with exhibition space Penthouse State Rooms with Rooftop Terrace, for 90-160 people 41 bedrooms