The Candoro Marble Building
- AV 設備 (Bring your own)
- Other decor
- Other decor (Bring your own)
- スペース(セミプライベート)
- スペース(プライベート)
- スペース(屋外)
- テーブル掛け (Bring your own)
- 家具
- 家具 (Bring your own)
- 照明
- 照明 (Bring your own)
- 車椅子利用可
- ステージングエリア
- ダンスフロア
- アルコール可
- 外部ケータリング可
- 施設内キッチン
- 無料駐車場
- 路上駐車
The Candoro Marble Buildingのミーティングスペース
Please inquire. Policy differs as we try to meet the particular needs of our guests.
The Candoro Marble Building is 1000 sq ft and includes a kitchen and bathroom. The attached carriage house provides an addtional 80 sq feet and especailly good for musical entertainment because of its pleasant accustics. One acre of flat grassy space, lined with traditional Italian White cypress trees is another space into which your event can spill. The space is perfect for tents should your event require these. The entire site is yours to rent for $500.00 for 4 hours. Ask about additional time for rehersal, set up and breakdown, that may for not require an additional fee. There is a $100.00 deposit. $100.00 of that fee is refundable if the building is left as it was found.