Cvent Supplier Network

Face Beijing

26 Dong Cao Yuan Gong TiNan Lu Chao Yang Ou, Beijing, China, 100020
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Imagen de la sede

About us

Face Beijing is located at 26 Dong Cao Yuan. It has added a Mongolian Yurt for private dinning. It is situated in our garden, with an interior that host comfortably for 15-guest, it is accessed through the bar via a walk-way leading into the tent. The tent has under floor-heating system, plus a traditional wood fired-oven inside, creating additional heat for the forthcoming Winter. It is a great venue for small intimate parties of all sorts. This structure surrounded by high walls was originally a school, three stories high, with six classes per floor, and at the rear (north side) three laboratories. The buildings, were built in the seventies after the worst of the anti intellectual activities of “the red guards” had ceased and some forms of education restarted. The building was constructed to high standards and its structural quality exceeds that of many European educational buildings of the period. In this building complex we have set out to create a warm, cultural, friendly oasis where the traveler and trader, in the great tradition of silk route caravansaries, can meet to socialize, develop relationships and friendship. Also of course a destination for assignations and the pursuit of love. As you enter the first spaces, your encounter reflects the fact that we are in China and the arts and crafts refer to Chinese history, traditions and culture, We then progress through Indo – Chinese culture with artifacts from Java, Bali and Thailand to spaces dominated by Indian arts and crafts with many architectural items. We hope that the rich, decorative environment that we create with our Asian collections, result in a warm, sensual and relaxing experience for our guests to dine, imbibe and socialize in graciously and comfortably.

Detalles de la sede

MarcaIndependent Restaurants
Construido en-
Límite de precios del restaurante-
Espacio de reunión total-
Cupo de personas de pie-
Tipo de sedeRestaurante

Restaurant Overview

Tipos de comidas
  • Chino
  • Comida india
  • Comida tailandesa


  • Espacio (privado)
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Sala más grande
1 sq. ft.
Espacio (privado)
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Espacio de reunión

Tamaño de sala
Max capacity
Mongolian Yurt
1 sq. ft.


Cómo llegar

Distance from airport 15.04 mi

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Face Beijing

Explore las preguntas hechas con frecuencia sobre Face Beijing respecto a la Salud y seguridad, Sostenibilidad, y Diversidad e inclusión

Prácticas sostenibles

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Sin respuesta.
¿Face Beijing cuenta con una estrategia centrada en la eliminación y desvío de basura (como plásticos, papel, cartón, etc.)? De ser así, describa su estrategia para eliminar y desviar la basura.
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Diversidad e inclusión

En el caso de hoteles de E.E. U.U. únicamente, ¿están el Face Beijing o la empresa matriz certificados como una empresa cuyo 51 % pertenece a propietarios de grupos diversos (51% diverse owned business enterprise, BE)? De ser así, indique como cuál de las siguientes empresas está certificado.
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Si corresponde, ¿podría dar un enlace al informe público del Face Beijing sobre sus compromisos e iniciativas sobre la diversidad, la igualdad y la inclusividad?
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Salud y seguridad

¿Las prácticas de Face Beijing se formularon de acuerdo con las sugerencias para servicios de salud hechas por organizaciones gubernamentales públicas o entidades privadas? De ser así, escriba una lista de las organizaciones empleadas para desarrollar dichas prácticas.
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¿Face Beijing limpia y desinfecta las áreas públicas y las instalaciones de acceso al público (como las salas de reuniones, los restaurantes, las áreas de ascensor, etc.)? De ser así, describa toda nueva medida implementada.
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