This Showcase is an excellent opportunity for the competition cohort to promote your achievements and future planned work to the wider TFI community, as well as allowing you to interact with each other and find potential consortia partners for upcoming competitions. This is your opportunity to find the missing capability or technology you need to complement your project or to showcase your services and expertise for others to find.
Each project is asked to submit a video (2-5mins in length) to discuss your project, present your achievements, discuss your future plans, and to address whether there is a potential for the project to be in the DEMO competition and the kind of partners you would be looking for.
These videos will be collated into an online gallery accessible to all and will be launched alongside a collaboration platform for networking and meeting opportunities.
Video guidance
Your video will be reviewed by KTN before it can be included in the Showcase.
If you require advice on how to record presentations within PowerPoint or Zoom, please contact KTN’s Neelam Mughal.
How to submit your video:
Step 1: Click on 'Submit Video Here' below
Step 2: Create a new account** by clicking on 'Need to create an account?'
Step 3: You can now start your application by clicking on the 'Submit Video Here' button
*If you video file is over 50MB you can send this through to via wetransfer or similar. Please continue to complete your online submission using the test video here.
**this will enable you to save your application before you submit, revisit to modify your application before the deadline, and check the status of your application